Learning and new beginnings

I can’t help but assess my progress in life each fall when school starts for children.  Not in the same way I might do at the first of the year with goal setting, but more of an assessment of lessons I’ve learned or journeys I am currently on that teach me something profound.

I recently and quite unexpectedly took custody of a fifteen year old girl.  The whole process happened within forty-eight hours.  I have an adult daughter so I was fully aware of what having another fifteen year old girl would require.  I am an older mother, and still have a fifteen year old boy living at home as well.

The girl is very serious minded.  Her life circumstances have not been ideal and many adults have let her down in her life.  Her father was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident.  She had an opportunity to live out of the state with family members, but had been accepted into a world study and global languages academy.  She was willing to do whatever was necessary to attend this academy.  She was even willing to live in a questionable environment for a chance to go to this school.  Thankfully with the help of a court appointed guardian to act in her behalf we connected.

I believe because of her life experiences she is more mature than her age, and fully realizes the importance of an education and knows that is her only hope of success.  Also, because of her experiences she has a desire to travel and experience the world.  She has faith and hope that her current reality isn’t all there is.

I have been profoundly reminded of how fortunate I am to have the parents and children I have.  In the short time I have come to learn more about this girl, she has taught me some profound lessons on gratitude.  I have felt pure joy to be able to provide the basic necessities of life for her and been amazed at her gratitude.  Many things she is grateful for, I and my family took

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Photo by icon0.com on Pexels.com

for granted.  She has been an added blessing to our family and a privilege to be part of her life journey.

I thought we were saving her, but I have come to learn and know that she has saved us.


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